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What to do if I think my child may have special educational needs?

Please contact Katie Isle, our dedicated Senco, on 0113 2817979 to arrange a visit where your child’s needs can be discussed and assessments can take place in the setting.


How will the setting support my child’s learning and development?

The Senco works closely with outside agencies and keyworker or 1:1 to plan an educational programme for your child. The Senco oversees the running of the programme which is delivered by your child’s keyworker or 1:1. The Senco works closely with other staff to monitor and assess how this is working and how effective the programme is.


How will the curriculum be matched to my child’s needs?

We are a fully inclusive pre-school and we work closely with parents and outside agencies to ensure the curriculum is inclusive as well. We work with physios, speech therapists etc. In pre-school to ensure we are delivering the curriculum. Where necessary we employ 1:1s to work with children to ensure this is done effectively, this could be in the form of specialised activities based on the needs of the child or to support them within the setting in differentiated activities.


How accessible is the setting?

Our pre-school is based in a church hall which is all on one level. Access to the building is up a ramp. We can use funding available to get specialist equipment as necessary.


How will I know how well my child is doing?

We have an open door policy at pre-school where parents can come and speak to staff at their convenience. We also hold half termly meetings for children with SEND with the Senco and keyworker/1:1.


In pre-school we use Tapestry which is an online profile, every time an observation is completed on a child the parents get an email notification to say one has been done and they then have instant access to it.


How will you help me support my child’s learning?

We work closely with all parents in pre-school to enhance their children’s education and development. We invite parents and children in for sessions before they officially start pre-school so that we can get to know the families and their needs really well.


What support will there be for my child’s overall wellbeing and social, emotional and behavioural development?

Half of our staff currently hold paediatric first aid certificates with the other half looking to be trained during the next academic year.


As we are a small staff we work very closely with each other and our families to provide pastoral care and support.


We promote healthy eating through our carefully thought out snack menus, which change according to the season so that as many fresh ingredients can be included as possible. We also promote healthy lunchboxes to our parents and encourage our children to drink milk or water throughout the day. 

What specialist services and expertise are available or accessed by the setting?


Universal services

In our setting we have two members of staff who are qualified teachers (one specialised in early years & key stage 1, the other in early years) we are currently in the process of having all our staff trained in paediatric first aid. We have a designated Senco.


Targeted Services

Where there is the need we access support from speech and language therapists, physiotherapists, occupational therapists and educational psychologists.


Specialist Services

In the past we have accessed the ‘STARS’ team for support. While we don’t have access to all the services all the time we can access them quickly if the need for support is there.


What training and development is done by staff supporting those with SEND?

Our Senco has undertaken specific Senco training.


Other members of staff have accessed training dependent on the needs of the children in their care, this has included speech and language training, Makaton training, autism awareness training, intensive interaction training, learning mentor training.


We tailor our staff training to the specific needs of our children in pre-school.


How will my child be included in activities outside the setting?

Whenever we do a trip outside of pre-school we invite all parents and younger siblings to join us in order to make our trips fully inclusive.


How will the setting help children transfer to the next stage of education?

We work very closely with the local primary schools to ensure a smooth transition between settings.


Where a child has specific SEND we work with the primary school to provide a longer transition to facilitate the needs of the child, the family and the school. This may include reception staff coming into pre-school to visit a child and have meetings with the Senco and key worker/1:1 or the child visiting the primary school with their parents or with a member of pre-school staff (in some cases their 1:1)


How are the setting’s resources /funding allocated and matched to the children’s needs?

Working closely with outside agencies we apply for funding based on the specific needs of the child.


The funding is then allocated to their needs, for example to employ a 1:1, to buy specialist equipment to support the child or to provide training that will support the needs of the child.


How are parents and carers involved in the setting?

As a small charity we rely on the support and involvement of parents. Parents can join our committee and become involved in the running of pre-school. We also welcome parents who wish to volunteer some of their time to come and help out, reading story, singing etc.


Who can I contact for further information?

To discuss our setting/come for a visit/apply for a place please ring Philippa on 0113 2817979.


For further information on about other support services and the Local Offer please go to

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